Ashireddipally is a village panchayat in Chityal mandal in the Telangana state of India. It is located in the Warangal district of Telangana. Ashireddipally is 72 km from Warangal (next to Tekumatla traveling from Chityal towards Garmillapally). The village is nestled near the sacred Godavari River. It has a government primary school and high school is available in nearby Tekumatla.
Demographics of Ashireddipally
The population of Ashireddipally is around 1200. The grama panchayat sarpanch of this village is Mothe Mogili. He was elected in the 2013 grama panchayiti elections.
Economy of Ashireddipally
Agriculture is the main source of economy in Ashireddipally. Around 85% of the population depends on agriculture and related activities. The common crops grown here are cotton, red chills, rice, and bananas.
Attractions of Ashireddipally
The village is home to some ancient temples that are visited by locals as well as various people of surrounding areas. The holy shrines are named as Venkateshwara Swamy temple, Hanuman temple, and Baddi Pochamma temple.
Connectivity to Ashireddipally
Ashireddipally is well connected via bus services. It has a bus route and buses are available from Parkal and Hanmakonda to Giddemutharam, Venkatrao Pally, or Garmillapally. One can also avail train from nearby Jammikunta.
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