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Reckoned as quite an elementary medicinal base in the arena of homeopathic treatment, Arnica has a colossal usage.

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ArnicaARNICA is an important medicine in homeopathy and is used for curing the shock or trauma of any injury. It is requisite to treat an injured person for shock first, unless the injury is very meek or unless the person is bleeding so profusely that prohibiting the bleeding should be attended to immediately. Since ARNICA is the first medicine prescribed in numerous types of injuries, it is the most vividly used medicine in first aid. It helps abridge shock, relieve pain, diminish swelling, and begin healing. ARNICA is a medicine that works wonders for injuries related to muscles, especially when pain persists due to over exertion. Arnica is also an excellent medicine pre or post, surgery since the body tends to experience a state of shock from the on going medical procedures. It is also used before and after dental surgery, and before, during, and after labor to help the mother and infant deal with the shock and stress of birth.

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