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Ali Shaukat
Ali Shaukat was a respected Indian hockey player who was the member of the 1928 Summer Olympics that was held at Amsterdam.

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Ali Shaukat was born on October 6 in the year 1897. This illustrious Indian field hockey player participated at the 1928 Summer Olympics as the member of the Indian National hockey team.

Ali Shaukat showed his hockey skills in Amsterdam Olympics of 1928. The Indian national team played 5 matches and won all the 5 matches, scoring a total of 29 goals. On 26th May, 1928, the final match took place which generated huge excitement. India won the match against Holland, beating them by 3-0.it was India`s first ever Olympic gold medal win. The team consisted of - Jaipal Singh as the captain, Eric Pinniger as Vice Captain, the great Dhyan Chand, Feroze Khan, Richard J. Allen as goalkeeper, George E. Marthins, Kher Singh, Syed M. Yusuf and Ali Shaukat who played from Bengal, amongst others. In the tournament, Ali Shaukat played three matches as forwarder and scored two goals.

The legendary Ali Shaukat, the son of Indian soil, died on 25th February in the year 1960.

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