Home > Travel > Indian Cities > Ahichchhatra
Ahichchhatra is located in Ganga- Yamuna doab. It is around11kms north of Anola near Ramnagar village in Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh.

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Ahichchhatra was a historical city that was also the capital of North Panchala. It has been the capital since the Mahabharata epic. Earlier excavations revealed that this city was known for its antiquities like the terracotta figurines, Mithana fingures of Sunga period, heads of Lord Shiva & Goddess Parvati.

The ruins of this site include the long brick fortification in shape of rough isoscales triangle. Ahichchhatra site was first excavated by Cunningham and then by K.N. Dikshit and others in 1940-44.

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