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Aerial Mandalas
Aerial Mandalas or the Akasaga Mandala in Natyashastra are of ten types namely, Atikranta, Vicitra, Lalitasancara, Sucividdha, Dandapada, Vihrta, Alata, Vamayiddha, Lalita and Kranta.

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Aerial Mandalas or the Akasaga Mandala in Natyashastra are of ten types namely, Atikranta, Vicitra, Lalitasancara, Suclviddha, Dandapada, Vihrta, Mita, Vamayiddha, Lalita and Kranta. In the Atikranta mandala, the right foot is in the Janitacari and then the chest is made Udvahita by taking Sakatasya cari, then the left foot takes up Alata cari and the right foot is in the Parsvakranta cari, then the left foot is in the Suci cari and the right foot in the Apakranta cari; then successively the left foot in the Suci cari as well as the Bhramari cari by turning the Sacrum, then the right foot is in the Udvritta cari and the left foot in the Alata cari which should be altered to the Bhramari-cari, again the left foot is in the Alata cari and the right foot in the Dandapada cari.

In the Vicitra Mandala, the right foot is successively moved in the Janita cari and then the left foot in the Aspandita cari, the right foot in the Parsvakranta cari, then the left foot in the Sucipada and the right foot in Apakranta, then the left foot in the Bhujarigatrasita cari and the right foot in the Atikranta and Udvrtta carils, next the left in the Alata cari then the right foot in Parsvakranta cari; then the left foot in sucipada; then the right foot in the Viksipta cari and the left foot in Apakranta Praksipta. There is Bhramara externally as well as Viksepa. In the Lalitasancara; the right foot with the knee raised moves in the Suci cari next the left foot in the Apakranta cari and the right one in the Parsva kranta cari; again the left foot in the suci and the Bhramari caris and the right foot in the Parsvakranta cari and the left foot in the Atikranta cari which is to be changed into the Bhramari cari.

In the Sucividdha Mandala, the left foot is to be moved in the Suci and the Bhramari caris while turning the sacrum during the latter movement, the right foot in the Parsvakranta cari and the left foot in the Atikranta cari next the right foot in the Suci, the left foot in the Apakranta cari and the right foot again in the Parsvakranta cari. This is the combination in the Sucividdha Mandala. In the Danda Pada Mandala, the right foot is to be moved in the Janita and the Dandapada caris; the left foot in the Suci and the Bhramari caris, the sacrum being turned during the latter movements next the right foot in the Udvrtta cari and the left foot in the Alata cari, again the right foot in the Parsvakranta cari and the left foot successively in the Bhujarigatrasita and the Atikranta cari to meet the right foot successively in the Suci and the Bhramari caris the sacrum being turned during the latter movement.

In Vihrta Mandala, the right foot is moved in the Janita cari, then its Nifuttana next the left foot in the Aspandita cari and the right foot in the Udvrtta cari; then the left foot in the Alata cari and the right foot in the Suci cari, again the left foot in the Parsvakranta cari and the right foot in the Aksipta and the Bhramari Caris, the sacrum being turned during the latter movement, then the left foot in the Suci and Bhramaris Caris with the turning of the Sacrum during the latter movement; again the right foot in the Bhujangatrasita Cari and the left foot in the Atikranta Cari. In Alata Mandala, the right foot is to be moved in the Suci Cari and the left foot in the Apakranta Cari, then the right foot in the Parsvakranta Cari and the left in the Alata Cari after moving by turns in these Caris six or seven times with graceful steps, again the right foot is moved in the Apakranta Cari and the left foot successively in the Atikranta and the Bhramari Caris.

In Vamayiddha Mandala, the right foot is to be moved in the Suci Cari the left foot in the Apakranta Cari then the right foot in the Dandapada Cari and the left foot in the Suci Cari and right foot in the Bhramari Carl while the Sacrum is being turned; and then in the Parsvakranta Cari next the left foot is in the Aksipta Cari and the right foot in the Dandapada and Urudvrtta Caris; then the left foot successively in the Suci the Bhramari and the Alata Caris. In the Lalita Mandala, the right foot is to be moved in the Suci Cari and the left foot in the Apakranta Cari; then the right foot in the Parsvakranta and the Bhujanga Trasita Caris; then the left foot in the Atikranta Cari and the Urudvrtta Caris; then the left foot in the Alata Cari and the right foot in the Parsvakranta Cari, next the left foot is in the Atikranta Cari with graceful steps.

In the Kranta Mandala, the right foot is to be moved in the Suci Cari and the left foot in the Apakranta Cari, then the right foot in the Parsvakranta Cari and the left foot too in the same Cari, moving round alternately in these Caris in all directions, again the left foot in the Suci Cari and the right loot in the Apakranta Cari. These ten Mandalas are known as Aerial Mandalas.

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