Abhishek Pushkarni of Vaishali was a sacred tank for the Lichchavis. The water of the tank was considered to be holy during old century and was used by Lichchavis to anoint Vaishali"s elected representatives before their swearing in. Abhishek Pushkarni also called the "Kharauna Tank" or "Coronation Tank", is considered to be a holy tank having tremendous healing powers in the ancient times. The Lichchavi stupa was located near Abhishek Pushkarni.
Built on the south bank of the coronation tank is the Vishwa Shanti Stupa, which is a major desirability in Vaishali. This monument is one of the uppermost in the world and has been built in collaboration with the Japanese government. Other places of interest near the Abhishek Pushkarni are "Chaumukhi Mahadeva", "Harikatora Temple", "Lotus Temple" and "Miranji-Ki-Dargah".
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