Traditional Dresses of Garo Tribe consists of Eking, Turban, Kotip, Nadongbi nr sisha, Natapsi and Ripok. They are inhabitants of Meghalaya. Colourful dresses can be seen in this place for both men and women. Garo tribes are the experienced and talented weavers in this region. Most of the families earn their livelihood from weaving.
Traditional Dresses for Men of Garo Tribe
The traditional costume of a Garo male includes a strip of woven cloth, chador and a turban which is wrapped around the head leaving the top of the head bare. The Nokma (village chief), use special turban of Assamese Silk on important occasions.
Traditional Dresses for Women of Garo Tribe
The Garo female costume consists of a piece of cloth decorated beautifully with floral prints which is tied around their waist and a blouse of the same design and a turban. During winter the women also use shawls.
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