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Anjaneyulu G
Anjaneyulu G is one of the popular realist painters of India who is known for his works of oils on canvases.

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Anjaneyulu G, Indian PainterAnjaneyulu G or Anjaneyulu Gundu was born in 1976 in the Nalgonda district of the state of Telangana and was the youngest among five siblings. Named after his paternal grandfather, Anjaneyulu is currently living in the capital city of Hyderabad and is a popular Indian painter. Anjaneyulu G is a realist painter and his subjects are painted from everyday life in a naturalistic manner, which is almost in a realistic photographic way.

Works of Anjaneyulu G
Completing his graduation from the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU) of Fine Arts, Anjaneyulu G works through many shows participating in Anjaneyulu G, Indian Painterseveral important exhibitions across India. The works of Anjaneyulu G are part realistic and surrealistic in nature. He gives life to mundane objects around him and raises them to an iconic status. His artwork is done on large white canvases, where the subject is positioned centrally, giving it a surreal and almost majestic appearance. The images painted are random but they represent their higher purpose in a person"s daily life, on how they use or handle these objects regularly. Having a very distinct ethnic flavour to his works, the paintings by Anjaneyulu G creates a series of metaphors that almost narrates a story.

Some of his famous exhibitions of Anjaneyulu G were the "Kalahita Art Foundation" of 2006 in Hyderabad, the "Objects of Focus" of 2013 followed by the 2015"s "Astonishing Expendables" and "Allegory and Object" held in Mumbai. Anjaneyulu G has even done international exhibitions and has participated in several other art shows nationally.

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