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Burail Fort
350 year old Burali Fort is located in Chandigarh, most parts of which have now been ruined. The fort was built during the Mughal period.

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Burail Fort, ChandigarhBurali Fort, located in Chandigarh, was built during the Mughal period. This 350 years old fort was under the control of Mughal Faujdar till 1712 CE. But then it was captured from him by the Khalsa Army, because the locals complained against the Faujdar to Banda Bahadur. The Faujdar used to torture the common people and keep the newly married women with him before sending them to their husbands. Hence, the Khalsa Army killed him and seized the fort. One of the bastions of Burail Fort has recently been ruined. There is a gurdwara inside the fort, which was constructed in the memory of a Sikh Army who fought against a Mughal General. The Mughal General lived in the fort during the 18th century.

Burail Fort, ChandigarhVisiting Information to Burali Fort
Chandigarh Junction Railway Station and Chandigarh International Airport are the nearest to reach the fort. National Highway 19 connects Chandigarh to other major cities of India.

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