Bajrangarh Fort, also known as Jharkon, is located in the Guna District of Madhya Pradesh. The fort is located at an altitude of 92.3 meters but currently is now in ruins. The fort is believed to have been built by the Maratha rulers in 1775. The fort campus spreads over an area of 72 bighas on a high hill. It was the symbol of the rulers of Khichi Chauhan of Gagron State. During Akbar"s reign, the fort was the headquarters of a mahal of Chanderi Sarkar. During the rule of Raja Jai Singh, Daulatrao Scindia sent his General, John Baptiste to attack the fort in 1816 A.D. Raja Jai Singh was defeated in the war and the fort was destroyed. Bajrangarh Fort has four gates in four directions and inside the fort Moti Mahal, Rangmahal, Ram Mandir and Bajrang Mandir are still in their places. There is also a step well inside the fort campus, which was used to store drinking water for horses. There is an ancient temple inside the fort, which is often visited by local people.
Visiting Information to Bajrangarh Fort
Bajrangarh Fort is located 10 km away from the Guna District. Guna Airport and Guna Junction Railway Station are the nearest to visit the fort.
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