Palm-leaf dolls are one of the most interesting arts of West Bengal, which are made out of palm leaves and shaped like sepoy or soldiers. First the palm leaf is cut in the shape of a human body and then it is attached with a bamboo stick stitching its hands and legs together with threads. When the bamboo stick is rotated then the doll will toss its hands and legs in the air. The doll is further covered by a hat. Palm-leaf dolls are sold in village fairs and they are a joyful stuff for children. Madan Dutta from Burdwan was a master of making these dolls and he excelled in this artistry by creating a unique palm-leaf doll named "Saheb O Mem" doll. This pair of palm-leaf doll has a man and woman on the other side. Among all the creations of palm-leaf dolls of Madan Dutta, the series of animals is the most famous one. Due to lack of demand, palm-leaf dolls are getting almost dying art but it is counted in some of the great crafts of Bengal yet.
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