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Krem Synrang Pamiang Cave
Krem Synrang Pamiang Cave is 14km long cave with five entrances and popular for its Titanic Hall. These caves are also home to many endemic species of flora and fauna.

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Krem Synrang Pamiang Cave, MeghalayaKrem Synrang Pamiang Cave is located in the Jaintia Hills district of Meghalaya. It is the 3rd longest cave of India with 14,157 m of surveyed passage. The cave has five entrances with the other four being Krem Musmari, Thloolong Cherlamet, Krem Eit Hati and Krem Khlieh Trai Lum.

Structure of Krem Synrang Pamiang Cave
Krem Synrang Pamiang Cave entrance is situated north of the track from Chiehruphi village, on NH 44, to Musianglamare. This wet crawl entrance passage leads to about 500 m of very awkward boulder strewn passage which is followed by one of the world"s finest cave passages. This 7.63 km long meandering stream-way (Wah Lariang), is probably one of the world"s longest single cave passage. The cave is very rich in formations coloured in orange, red, black, grey, blue, green and white.

"Titanic Hall" chamber would rank as one of the most beautifully decorated chambers anywhere in the world with "thousands of large cave-pearls lying scattered on the floor.

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