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Features of Christianity
Features of Christianity is the various religious and spiritual ideas that form the Christian society a unique.

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Features of ChristianityFeatures of Christianity played a major role in the formation of Christianity. Christians believe that there is only one God, whom they call "Father". This was taught by Jesus Christ to his disciples. Christianity is the only religion that teaches that God came to us. Christianity is the world"s biggest religion which is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Some of the features of Christianity are as follows:

1. Christianity is a monotheistic religion believing in one and only one God.

2. God is a person. It means he has got the power of interpersonal relationship. He has consciousness and will and is of the nature of pure spirit.

3. God has an internal trinity. This Trinitarian dimension consists in his being the Father (creator), the Son (redeemer/saviour) and the Holy Spirit (the eternal Guide). He is three in one.

4. Jesus is considered to be the "Messiah of God" whom the Jews were expecting. He represents the true image of God and he is considered to be the founder of this religion.

5. God has many metaphysical and ethical attributes (like omnipotence, omniscience omnipresence), but essentially he is of the nature of a loving father.

6. God is the Creator, sustainer and destroyer of the world. He has created the world out of nothing and may destroy it any time according to his sweet will.

7. Man is created in the image and likeness of God. But misusing the freedom granted to him by God man committed sin. Committing Original Sin by the first man Adam is the root cause of man"s suffering. Sin is nothing but disobedience to God.

8. God is kind and loving. Hence he wants to save man. Jesus is sent as the redeemer of man.

9. True religion consists in nothing but loving God, oneself and one"s fellow men in utmost sincerity and humility

10. Redemption or liberation is ultimately the fruit of God"s grace. Man has to enhance and accept the divine grace in freedom by a sincere moral life.

11. Christianity believes in immortality of soul, the resurrection of the dead, the final Day of Judgment and life after death. The good will enjoy the happiness of heaven and the bad will be sent to eternal hell for punishment. Hell is eternal damnation and heaven is eternal immortal life in constant fellowship and bliss with God

12. Christianity also believes in heavenly angels both good and bad. Satan or devil is the chief of the evil spirits and he instigates people to sin. God always wins over the Satan and his kingdom.

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