The Indian Subcontinent provides suitable habitats to various species of birds for residing and nesting. Prinias are no exception in this regard. Various species of Prinias have been recorded in different parts of India. These Prinias are described below.
Graceful Prinia
Graceful Prinia is a resident breeder in north India. In the breeding season, the adult bird assumes a grey-brown upper body and whitish lower body. The upper body has dark streaking. The lower body has buff flanks. The bill of the bird is short and black. In winter, the adult bird assumes brighter sandy brown upper body with weaker streaking. Its sides are more buff and its bill is pale in color.
Plain Prinia
Plain Prinia is a resident breeder in India. In the breeding season, the adult bird assumes a grey-brown upper body and whitish-buff lower body. Its supercilium is short and white in appearance. Rufous fringes are evident on the closed wings of the bird. In the winter season, the upper body of the Prinia converts into warmer brown color, the underparts become more buff and the tail becomes longer. Other features of the Plain Prinia are a short black bill, short rounded wings and strong legs.
Ashy Prinia
Ashy Prinia is a resident breeder in India. In the breeding season, a specific population of this bird called the "northern population" assumes ash grey upper body, black crown and cheek with no supercilium and rufescent wings. When the breeding season gets over, a short, narrow and white supercilium is assumed by the bird. During winter, the population develops warm brown upperparts and longer tail. Other features of the Ashy Prinia are a short black bill, grey crown, short rounded wings and a longish graduated cream tail.
Swamp Prinia
Swamp Prinia has been traced in the plains of the Brahmaputra and the Cachar district in Assam. This bird has olive-grey upper body and grayish white lower body. The bird has brown eyes, conspicuous white eye-ring, dark-streaked whitish cheeks and slightly streaked and grey flanks. Bold dark streaks also start at the forehead and fades on the back. The bird has grayish brown flight feathers.
Grey-Breasted Prinia
Grey-Breasted Prinia is a resident breeder in India. In the breeding season, the bird assumes smoky grey upperparts, buff white underparts, grey breast band contrasts with the white throat and a rufous wing panel. In the non-breeding season, the upper body gets converted into olive brown. Other features of the Grey-Breasted Prinia are orange eye ring, longish grey tail with graduated feathers that are tipped in white, strong pinkish legs and a short black bill.