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Types of Mud Therapy
Mud therapy has become very popular because of several reasons such as detoxifying skin, blood circulation, purifying skin and anti-aging treatment.

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Types of Mud Therapy, Mud TherapyMud therapy is being used by people to treat diseases since ancient times. It is believed that the earth has healing powers which are refreshing and invigorating for the body. The material used for mud therapy is mostly clay, taken from 4 inches below the surface of the earth. The clay should be free of any impurities such as pebbles, decaying matter etc.

However, there are types of mud treatment which can be used with a different variety of mud. Mud therapy could be used in various forms:

Mud Pack
Clay taken from the earth is mixed with warm water so that it becomes a smooth paste. It is allowed to cool, and then spread on a strip of cloth. The size of the cloth depends on which part of the body the mud pack is to be applied. The cloth covered with mud is placed on the part of the body which is to be treated. It is then covered with some protective material, like flannel. The mud pack is removed after 10 to 30 minutes.

Mudpack for Eyes: Mud soaked in water is spread to make a thick layer. It is placed on the eyes for 20 to 30 minutes. An eye mud pack helps in relaxing the eyes; especially good for those who require to sit in front of a computer for long hours. Therapeutically, it reduces irritation, itching or other allergic conditions such as conjunctivitis and haemorrhage of the eye ball. It also helps in correcting refractive errors like short/long sightedness. It is effective in Glaucoma, where it works to reduce the eye ball tension.

Mudpack for Head: A head mud pack is normally a thick narrow band. It is applied over the fore head and helps to heal congestive headache, relieves pain immediately.

Mudpack for Face: Fine mud is used for face and a smooth paste is first made using cold water. Apply this paste evenly on the face and leave it to dry for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes one must thoroughly wash the face with cold water. It helps in improving the complexion of the skin. In cases of acne it helps by absorbing excess oils and toxins from the skin. It also helps in reducing dark circles around the eyes.

Mudpack for Abdomen: A mud pack for abdomen should be applied for 20-30 minutes. The body and the mud pack should be covered with blanket, if applied during the cold weather. An abdomen mud pack helps in all kinds of indigestion. It is very helpful in decreasing intestinal heat and stimulates peristalsis.

Mud Bath: First the mud is prepared by soaking it in water. The mud is then applied to the full body either in sitting or lying down position. Mud is kept for 45 to 60 minutes and ideally be exposed to sun light, at least intermittently. Afterwards, the person should be thoroughly washed with cold to luke warm water. Dry the person quickly and transfer to a warm bed. A mud bath helps in increasing the blood circulation and energizing the skin tissues. It thus helps in cleansing and improving the skin condition generally.

Regular mud baths may be considered as natural beauty treatment procedure as it also helps in improving skin complexion and reducing spots and patches, possibly the result of some skin disorder like chickenpox or small pox. Mud baths are useful in many skin diseases such as Psoriasis, Urticaria, Leucoderma, Leprosy and other skin allergic conditions.

Peat Therapy: Peat therapy is one type of mud treatment which has several uses such as detoxification, insomnia, relaxation, arthritis, musculoskeletal pain, infertility and stimulation of immune system. It can be applied as a hot or cold pack. One may also add this mud with hot or cold water.

Peloid Therapy: This mud therapy is used to treat skin diseases, sciatica, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid, gynaecological as well as common problems such as blemishes, wrinkles and blackheads.

Parafango Packs: These packs help in the degradation of the collagen and elastane in the skin. It not only soothes the muscle but also reduces localised swelling around the joints. Parafango pack contains volcanic mineral ash, extract of the seaweed and paraffin in it.

Despite therapeutic properties of mud which are very useful in maintaining good health and glowing skin, the over-use of mask applications may lead to excessive drying of the skin. Therefore it is essential to keep the pack moistened to avoid excessive dryness and stretching. Also, the mud must be carefully chosen for obtaining desired results and its quality must be ensured to avoid any complications.

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