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Indian Football Association
Indian Football Association is an Indian organization hailing from West Bengal from the early era of British regime.
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 India Women`s National Football Team
Indian Women National Football Team is also controlled by All India Football Federation.
 Football Stadiums in North- East India
Football Stadiums in North east India are now developed with the hands of both government and private concerns.
 Football Stadiums in South India
Football stadiums in South India are located in the Indian states like Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
 Football Stadiums in West India
Football Stadiums in West India are dotted in the Indian states like Maharashtra, Goa and Gujarat.
 Football Stadiums in East India
Football Stadiums in East India are concentrated in West Bengal, Bihar and Odisha. These football stadiums have the best infrastructure and the world class services towards the footballers.
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