Churches of North East India deal with the churches in the states of Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. These churches are part of the national heritage of India and have beautified North East Indian states. They are symbolic of the secular culture and tradition prevalent in India.
Churches of Mizoram
Mizoram Presbyterian Church Synod is a part of the Presbyterian Church of India. This church which was founded by Welsh Missionaries has the distinction of being the first church in Mizoram. It is the largest Christian denomination in Mizoram and a direct progeny of the Calvinistic Methodist Church in Wales. The Baptist Church of Mizoram is the second biggest church of Mizoram. This Protestant denomination of India was founded by Baptist English missionaries namely, Rev. JH Lorrain and FW Savidge in 1894. Some of the other churches located in Meghalaya are Roman Catholic and Salvation Army Churches.
Churches of Tripura
Tripura serves as a home to churches like Mariam Nagar Church, Reformed Presbyterian Church, St Joseph Catholic Church, Agartala Baptist Church and Kamlachhera Baptist Church.
Churches of Meghalaya
The census of 2016 had estimated about 83.3 % of Christians in Meghalaya. Churches of Meghalaya serve these Christians. Some of the churches housed in Meghalaya are Shillong Catholic Cathedral, All Saints Church, Laitumkhrah Presbyterian Church, Nepali Christian Fellowship Church, William Nagar Baptist Church and St Francis Xaviers Church.
Churches of Nagaland
The state of Nagaland is dominated by Christians. More specifically, this state has about 90.02% Christians, thereby making Christianity the predominant religion of Nagaland. Churches of Nagaland fulfill the religious and spiritual needs of the Christians in this state. Both urban and rural areas of Nagaland have a very high church attendance rate. Some of these churches are Amiphoto Prayer Church, Sumi Town Baptist Church and Lotha Baptist Church.
Churches of Manipur
Kumbirei Baptist Church, Molnom Church, Motbung Baptist Church, Village Church, Mao Karong Catholic Church and Song Baptist Church are the churches housed in Manipur.
Churches of Assam
The state of Assam has churches like Christ Church, Moran Catholic Church, Christian Revival Church, Guwahati Baptist Church, Dispur Baptist Church, St Stephens Church, Presbyterian Church and St Albert Church.
Churches of Arunachal Pradesh
The census of 2011 had estimated about 30.26% Christians in Arunachal Pradesh. These Christians visit churches like Roman Catholic Church to worship the Almighty. Roman Catholic Church is the largest Christian denomination of Arunachal Pradesh. Dobam Baptist Church, Christian Revival Church and Believers Church are some of the other churches of Arunachal Pradesh.