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Use of Patha as Medicines
Patha is used in treatment of diarrhoea, vomiting, fever, skin diseases, and as galactodepurant. It is one of the ingredients in many Ayurvedic medicines.

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Patha or Abuta is medicinal herb that is found throughout India. For medicinal purpose its roots and leaves are used. In the Pharmacopoeia of India, the scientific name of Patha is "Cissampelos hernandifolia Wall" which is identical with Pareira Brava, and is common throughout India.

The plant used by Kavirajas in Bengal under the name of patha is identical with that figured by Roxburgh as Cissampelos hexandra. Patha is used by Acharya Charak for fever, vaginal discharge, piles, urinary ailments, digestive system complaints and uterine ailments. Acharya Sushruta used this herb additionally for cleaning and washing of wounds (roots decoction).

Health Benefits of Patha
Patha or Abuta is an important medicinal herb that is particularly used to treat gynaecological problems. Some tribes use roots of herb as contraceptive. Poultice prepared from Patha leaves is effective in skin diseases like abscesses, burns, boils, sores, scabies, itches, acne. Leaves are antiseptic and applied on inflammation and sores. The root of this plant is regarded as light, bitter, astringent and useful in fever, diarrhoea, urinary diseases, dyspepsia etc.

Dose of Patha in Medicine
In internal or deep seated inflammation, Chakradatta recommends the root of this plant to be taken with honey and water in which rice has been macerated. In urine depositing salts or a white flocculent substance, a decoction of patha and aloes wood is used.

In painful micturition the following decoction is considered useful. Take of patha root, Hedysarum lagopodioides (prisniparni), root of Solanum Indicum (vrihati), liquorice root and indrajava seeds, equal parts, in all 2 tolas. Boil down to one-fourth.

In fever with diarrhoea, the following compound decoction is recommended by Chakradatta. Take of patha root, indrajava seeds, chiretta, tubers of Cyperus rotundus (mustaka), Hedyotis biflora (parpati), gulancha, and ginger, equal parts, in all 2 tolas, water 32 tolas ; and boil till reduced to one-fourth.

In diarrhoea caused by indigestion and attended with pain and slimy or bilious stools, the following decoction is used. Take of patha root, indrajava seeds, chebulic myrobalan and ginger, each half a tola, water 32 tolas. Boil down to one-fourth.

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