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Satpati is a village in Maharashtra situated in the western coast of India.

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Satpati, Palghar District, MaharashtraSatpati is one of the biggest villages on the western coast of India. It is the fishing village in Maharashtra. It is the biggest fishing village in Asia.

Location of Satpati
Tarapur is about 80 km north of Mumbai, located in the Palghar Taluka of Palghar District in Maharashtra.

Economy of Satpati
The main industry in Satpati is fishing, with large exports abroad. The majority of the population is part of the Koli community.

History of Satpati
The refugees of Somnath Temple took shelter in the 11th century during the rule of Junagad Mali.

Visiting Information
The nearest railway station is Palghar (Western Railway), from where State Transport (S.T.) buses are available for Satpati on regular intervals. 6/7-seater auto rickshaws (that most of the time carry more than 10 people) also run between Satpati and Palghar on a regular basis.

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