Oriental Reed Warbler is an Indian bird that bears a scientific name of "Acrocephalus orientalis" concentrated in the Asian countries like Indian states, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.
Category of Oriental Reed Warbler
Oriental Reed Warbler is a passerine bird of eastern Asian countries belonging to the reed warbler genus of Acrocephalus. It was formerly classified as a subspecies of the great reed warbler (A. arundinaceus) of western Eurasia.
Structure of Oriental Reed Warbler
Oriental Reed Warbler is a large warbler. It is a bird of 18-20 cm long with a wingspan of 23-26 cm. The plumage is brown above with a paler rump and whitish tips to the tail feathers. The under parts are whitish below, browner on the flanks and under tail-coverts. There are narrow greyish streaks on the throat and breast. It has a dark eye-stripe and a whitish stripe above the eye. The fairly long, heavy bill is brownish above and pink below with a bright orange gape. The feet are grey.
Shape of Oriental Reed Warbler
Oriental Reed Warbler is slightly smaller, slenderer and shorter-winged than the great reed warbler. Its tail is shorter and more square-ended than that of the clamorous reed warbler (A. stentoreus) and it has a slightly longer primary projection and a slightly shorter and thicker bill. The pale tip to the tail separates it from both species.
Call of Oriental Reed Warbler
The song of Oriental Reed Warbler is a mixture of warbling phrases and guttural, croaking notes. It is given from a prominent perch such as the top of a reed stem or bush. The bird also has a loud, harsh chack call.
Breeding Range of Oriental Reed Warbler
The breeding range of Oriental Reed Warbler covers southern Siberia, Mongolia, northern, central and eastern China, Korea and Japan. It winters in north-east India and across South-East Asia to the Philippines and Indonesia, occasionally reaching New Guinea and Australia. It has occurred as a vagrant in Israel and Kuwait.
Breeding Place of Oriental Reed Warbler
Oriental Reed Warbler breeds mainly in reedbeds and can also be found in marshes, paddy fields, grassland and scrub where it forages for insects and other invertebrates.
Oriental Reed Warblers have small breeding territories and can achieve high population densities. The nest is built 1-1.5 metres above the ground among reed stems.
Eggs of Oriental Reed Warbler
The two to six eggs of Oriental Reed Warbler are laid and are incubated for 12 to 14 days. The young birds fledge after 10 to 15 days. Major predators at the nest include the Siberian weasel and snakes of the genus Elaphe.