House Crow is an Indian bird that bears a scientific name "Corvus splendens" and belongs to the Asian Crow family. It is a very common bird in Indian states of rural and urban areas.
Category of House Crow
House Crow is a common bird of the crow family that is of Asian origin but now found in many parts of the world, where they arrived assisted by shipping.
Size of House Crow
House Crow is between the jackdaw and the carrion crow in size of 40 cm (16 in) but is slimmer than either.
Size of House Crow
The forehead, crown, throat and upper breast of House Crow are a richly glossed black, whilst the neck and breast are a lighter grey-brown in colour. The wings, tail and legs are black. There are regional variations in the thickness of the bill and the depth of colour in areas of the plumage.
Race of House Crow
The nominate race Corvus splendens is found in Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bangladesh and has a grey neck collar. The subspecies C. S. zugmayeri is found in the dry parts of South Asia and Iran and has a very pale neck collar. The subspecies C. S. protegatus is found in southern India, the Maldives (sometimes separated as maledivicus) and Sri Lanka and is darker grey. C. S. insolens, found in Myanmar, is the darkest form and lacks the grey collar.
Distribution of House Crow
House Crow has a widespread distribution in southern Asia, being native to Nepal, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives and Laccadive Islands, South West Thailand and coastal southern Iran. It was introduced to East Africa around Zanzibar and Port Sudan.
Behaviour of House Crow
House Crow is associated with human settlements throughout its range, from small villages to large cities. In Singapore, there was a density of 190 birds/ square kilometres in 2001 with efforts to suppress the population in planning. Due to a human population explosion in the areas it inhabits, this species has also proportionately multiplied. Being an omnivorous scavenger has enabled it to thrive in such circumstances. The invasive potential for the species is great all over the tropics. This species is able to make use of resources with great flexibility and appears to be associated with humans and no populations are known to exist independently of humans.
Feeding of House Crow
House Crows feed largely on refuse around human habitations, small reptiles, and other animals such as insects and other small invertebrates, eggs, nestlings, grain and fruits. House Crows have also been observed swooping down from the air and snatching baby squirrels. Most food is taken from the ground, but also from trees as opportunity arises. They are highly opportunistic birds and given their omnivorous diet, they can survive on nearly anything that is edible. These birds can be seen near marketplaces and garbage dumps, foraging for scraps. They have also been observed to eat sand after feeding on carcass.
Eggs of House Crow
House Crow lays 3-5 eggs in a typical stick nest, and occasionally there are several nests in the same tree. In South Asia they are parasitized by the Asian koel. The peak breeding of House Crow in India as well as Peninsular Malaysia is from April to July. Large trees with big crowns are preferred for nesting.
Roost in House Crow
House Crows roost communally near human habitations and often over busy streets. A study in Singapore found that the preferred roost sites were in well-lit areas with a lot of human activity, close to food sources and in tall trees with dense crowns that were separated from other trees. The roost sites were often enclosed by tall buildings.