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Methods of Massage Therapy
Methods of massage therapy are the numerable procedures followed by message therapists and practitioners which serve to reduce stress, anxiety and many other physical and psychological complications by the effective integration of body, mind and muscles.

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Methods of Massage TherapyMethods of massage therapy are the different techniques which are adopted to deliver massage therapy that guarantees the ultimate relaxation and bliss to clients and patients. It is connected to manual therapy, detailed bodywork, breath-work and energy medicine. The various processes of massage therapies are all associated to somatic movement and integration processes of mind and body which bring about zero stress and toned muscles and nerves. Massage therapies can also be lined to alternative medicine and New Age movement, which are frequently employed by modern medical practitioners. The numerous techniques involve the differences in the areas of focus and variations in the application of pressure.

Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger point is the exact spot in a particular muscle or tissue from which source extreme pain radiates towards the other parts of the body. Such pains can be very irritating and create a sense of numbness. This form of therapy aims to ease such pains by alternative applications of pressure, applied by hands and release. The patient undergoing trigger point therapy must deep breathe and acknowledge the appropriate point of discomfort. Regular sessions of trigger point massage therapy can enable one to get rid of such pains.

Swedish Massage Therapy
The main goal of Swedish massage therapy is to make the entire body relax and it is performed by muscles with long, subtle strokes in the direction of blood going back towards the heart. Besides inducing relaxation, Swedish massage is particularly useful in encouraging blood circulation, easing muscle flexibility thereby reducing tension and cutting down the muscle toxins. In such therapy, therapists apply circular pressure to the palms and hands, while stretching, firmly kneading muscles, etc.

Deep Tissue Massage Therapy
Methods of Massage Therapy Though slightly similar to Swedish massage, Deep Tissue Massage Therapy mainly emphasizes on tendons, fascia and the deepest layers of tissues in the muscles. A study has recently concluded that this kind of massage, if practised for nearly 45 to 60 minutes is capable of decreasing the secretion of stress hormones thereby improving mood and helping one to relax by provoking the release of serotonin and oxytocin. It also improves the heart-rate. It is quite effective for people who are stressed out.

Sports Massage Therapy
Sports massage therapy is essential for sportsmen as a pre-game preparation and also for recovering from exhaustion and injuries associated with sports activities. Athletes have learnt that there exists certain sports massage techniques which are extremely handy for decreasing fatigue, inducing flexibility, checking the impact of wounds or injuries and making the body and mind ready for presenting the best performance in their games. Research has proven the effectiveness of sports massage in easing soreness in muscles.

Reflexology Massage Therapy
One can experience respite from ankle injuries or the other kinds of injuries received while playing or even at work. Foot reflexology massage therapy promises relief from pain in the regions of calf muscles, heels and foot. Following this treatment, patients must remember to take adequate rest. Practised over an hour, reflexology involves gently massaging the lower areas of one`s foot slowly, after the patient has identified the exact regions of aches or injuries in his feet.

Cranial Sacral Massage Therapy
The spinal cord, sacrum and the head also deserves a good massage every now and then, given the high levels of stress experienced in our hectic lifestyles today. Compression techniques applied in those parts can help depreciate the pain and stress which originates from there. Patients can be assured of relief from terrible headaches, migraine pains, back and neck pains or even pains from chronic injuries, once they undergo the cranial sacral massage therapy. This method of massage calms down the scalp muscles and consequently relieves one from the stress generated throughout his face and head, especially for people who stare at the computer screen throughout the day.

Prenatal Massage Therapy
Methods of Massage Therapy Pregnant women can bid farewell to headaches, stiff neck, cramps in leg and lower back, edema or swelling if she resorts to prenatal massage therapy. Such massage also improves lymph and blood circulation, eliminates stress over weight-bearing joints and assists expecting mothers to grab better sleep. This is successfully done by easing out depression triggered by constant hormonal alterations inside the body. A relaxed body and mind is necessary for pregnant women, which also ensures them deeper and better sleep.

Geriatric Massage Therapy
Geriatric massage therapy is practised on elderly patients and is characterised by the utilization of subtle application of massage procedures with the aide of a light lotion or oil. The light oil is applied over the skin in order to make sure there is absence of any friction to the skin of the aged who are undergoing the process. Such methods decrease the ache associated with arthritis, helps combat depression, corrects the general posture of the body and ensures the general health and well-being of the elderly people.

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