Lohabarrack Salt Water Crocodile Sanctuary was set up in the year 1983 with the aim of conserving salt water crocodiles. It spans over an area of 100 square kilometres, located at a distance of about 30 kilometres from Port Blair and towards the north of Marine National Park, Wandoor, in South Andaman Island. The sanctuary also hosts a rich biodiversity in terms of flora and fauna. It derives its name from a village located adjacent to the sanctuary.
Features of Lohabarrack Salt Water Crocodile Sanctuary
Lohabarrack Salt Water Crocodile Sanctuary shelters a great assortment of both marine as well as terrestrial flora and fauna. The place exhibits a pristine natural beauty and is covered with luxuriant mangroves and tropical evergreen forests. Exquisite sandy beaches are added attractions to the sanctuary which is often visited by marine turtles. A unique feature of Lohabarrack Salt Water Crocodile Sanctuary is that it mainly consists of creeks which form an ideal harbour for salt water crocodiles.
Visiting Information
Lohabarrack Salt Water Crocodile Sanctuary is situated at a distance of around 24 kilometres from Port Blair and can be easily reached through road. It is spread on the left side of Andaman Trunk Road (ATR) starting from the point Tytler`s Ghat which is 2 kilometres from Port Mount School.
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