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Mula Bandha
Mula Bandha, one of the special pranayamic exercises works upon the central and sympathetic nervous systems.

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Mula Bandha is a special Pranayamic exercise practiced for various health benefits. Mula Bandha is a Sanskrit compound term. The term `Mula` refers to various meaning like root, base, beginning, foundation, origin or cause, basis and source while `Bandha` means bondage, posture, joining together and catching hold of.

This yoga involves forceful contraction of the sphincter muscles of the anus. It also requires the perineum, the general region between the anus and the genital organs, to be strongly pressed by the heel. There are many people who practice Mula-Bandha as a part of Siddhasana exercise. Some even carry it on as separate exercise also. Since this wonderful Pranayamic exercise concerns itself with the lower ends of the nervous system in the human trunk, it is called Mula-Bandha, which denotes anal contraction.

The practice of Mula Bandha requires special techniques to be adopted. There are two `anal sphincters`, one internal and the other external, located at the end of the rectum. Circular muscles form both these `sphincters` where the external sphincter constitutes the anus. It is important to note that though the anal contraction alone goes to execute Mula-Bandha, anal contraction also involves contraction of the whole pelvic region. Hence, some regard Mula-Bandha as a practice exercise of pelvic contraction.

This Mula-Bandha exercise is anticipated to work upon the central and sympathetic nervous systems via the terminal nerves present in the anal sphincters.

Practice of Mula Bandha

•Inhale deeply and hold the breath.
•Place the hands on the knees, raise the shoulders and tilt the upper body slightly forward. Concentrate on the Muladhara Chakra and firmly contract the anal muscles.
•Hold the muscular contraction and the breath as long as possible and comfortable.
•With a long exhalation return to the starting position.
•Breathe normally and remain in this position for some time.

Benefits of Mula Bandha

•The practice of Mula Bandha helps Brahmacharya and gives Dhatu-Pushti (nerve-vigour).
•This mudra relieves constipation and increases the Jatharagni.
•The individual who practises Mula Bandha will keep up everlasting youth. And no grey hair will manifest.
•It strengthens the pelvic floor, relieves haemorrhoids and congestion in the pelvic area.
•Calms the autonomic nervous system, calms and relaxes the mind.
•On the spiritual level, Mula Bandha activates and purifies the Muladhara Chakra and awakens dormant consciousness and the Kundalini Shakti.

Precaution of Mula Bandha
Special preventions are needed to be taken while undertaking the vigorous exercise of Mula Bandha. The beginners should not practice this yoga alone. It is advisable to perform this under the guidance of some expert because if one practices this `asana` following the wrong methods, as a side effect one may suffer from serious constipation problems and also digestive irregularities. Once, the person understands the proper method he can practice Mula Bandha alone and can repeat it for 3-5 rounds.

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