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Weight Management
Weight management aides obese people to curb the tendency of gaining weight through a systematic process of consumption of a balanced diet, physical exercise and meditation.

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Weight management is a long-term procedure which must be inculcated into one`s lifestyle for good health and includes a judicious blend of energy consumption, a nutritious diet and adequate physical exercise.

For an appropriate process of effectual weight management, one must be aware of his individual body requirements such that he can curb under-consumption or even over-consumption of food. However, crash diets which promise an immediate and temporary loss of weight is not advisable, even if one opts for some processes of weight management. An ideal body weight must be maintained in accordance with the height, age and sex of the person who makes an attempt to control his weight by employing weight management. Obesity is fatal and has been proven to trigger certain maladies like cardiovascular ailments, Type 2 Diabetes, chronic diseases and hypertension, amongst several other diseases.
Weight Management
Processes of Weight Management
Breakfast is believed to be one of the most significant meals of the entire day and what is consumed during this portion of the day determines one`s calorie intake to a large extent. One must ensure that his protein intake during breakfast is satisfactory as it enables the human body to burn calories more steadily, which is known as a `thermogenic impact` on the body. A protein-rich diet is said to be gastric emptying and aggravates the action of glucagons which encourages pathways to synthesize glucose. Also, smaller plates must be utilized during meals to restrict the quantity of food consumption and also calories. Larger the size of the plates used, more will be the intake of energy which indirectly is responsible for the rise on obesity rates. Studies have demonstrated that soups lead to a reduction in the quantity of energy intake and therefore one must include soups in one`s diet. It is said that having soups will decrease one`s energy intake to about 20%.

Low calorie foods like black coffee is shown to lower the rates of obesity, and despite the fact that the weight loss is quite slow, it would lead to long-term benefits of a steady weight management. One should also make it a point to increase the intake of dairy products which crates a higher level of calcium in the body and helps excrete the fats from the body. It is said that the various bioactive constituents present in milk help in fat loss by speeding up the metabolic rates of the system. Apart from dairy products and proteins, obese people must indulge in different vegetables and fruits which increase the body satiety. Fruits tend to suppress the hunger pangs and thereby enable one to control his weight, and they are also enriched with a lower density of energy. Macronutrients are absorbed at a slower rate and therefore a sense of fullness or saturation is accomplished through the intake of dietary fibre. It is recommended that men must include a larger quantity of dietary fibre in their meals. Capsaicin must be included as an important portion of one`s diet particularly during breakfast and it is present in foodstuffs like red hot pepper and chilli. Black coffee and caffeine are crucial for inducing weight loss and one might also indulge in the pleasures of cola drinks, cocoa, tea and dark chocolate to shed those extra kilos. Green tea is known to reduce blood glucose by limiting body fat collection since `catechins` present in green tea act as strong polyphenols.

Popular Diets for Weight Management
Prior to following diets, one must keep in mind their medical circumstances, food preferences and lifestyle conditions. Besides, one must remember that dieting must be done, aimed at a long-term approach. One can also follow the `Atkin`s Diet` which comprises the control of carbohydrates in one`s diet which sends the body into a condition of `ketosis`. Ketosis is a process wherein the stored body fats are burned instead of the glucose. One would experience a decrease of appetite after following the Atkin`s Diet. However, constipation and foul breadth might be the side-effects of this kind of diet. The Ornish Diet is a diet which is maintained by regulating the amount of fibre consumption and investing in a low-fat vegetarian diet, as well as including physical exercise and workouts in the diet plan.

It consists of vegetables, fruits, beans and so on. In such a diet process, one must moderate his intake of egg whites, non-fat cheese, skimmed milk, non-fatty sour cream, etc. Different types of non vegetarian foods, avocados, olives, nuts, dairy products, alcohol and sugar derivatives must be avoided. Meditation is recommended along with the Ornish Diet. If one follows the Ornish diet he might feel hungrier and gorge on more food, but the amount of calorie consumption would be comparatively lower.

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