Hatkoti Temple is an ancient Hindu temple located at Jubbal (Hatkoti). Hatkoti Temple is located at about 100 K.M. from Shimla the capital of the Himachal Pradesh. Hatkoti Temple is exactly located in village Hatkoti of tehsil Jubbal of Shimla of Himachal Pradesh.
The main deity of Hatkoti Temple is Hatkoti Devi. She is regarded as the most powerful goddess among all the goddesses of northern India by the residents of Hatkoti.
There is no inscription about the history of the temple but as the tourists enter the premises of the temple the history of Himachal Pradesh diverts the minds towards itself, to the Mahabharata period.
There are five stone "Deols" present in the Hatkoti Temple premises which makes the pilgrims to remember about the five Pandavas. These "Deols" are decreasing in size, first one being the largest in size and then the decreasing ones. In the building of Hatkoti Temple there is a beautiful "Lord Shiva" temple having a large and beautiful shrine inside it, others idols present in the temple are also a proof a great architecture skills.
The interior walls and roof of the Hatkoti Temple have also been designed using great architectural skills. The people of Hatkoti believe that the temple was established by Shankaracharya. According to some belief, the Hatkoti Temple was built somewhere in the Third era. Three Gupta Age`s Rock Edicts (in scripted stones) have been found at three different places of this ancient and historic place.
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