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Chhatti Ceremony of Kharia Tribe
Chhatti Ceremony of Kharia Tribe is the name giving ceremony celebrated after one week of the Mundan ceremony. Kalo or any senior member usually presides over the ceremony.

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The Chhatti Ceremony or Nimi Raina also known as the name giving ceremony is celebrated by the Kharia Tribe after a span of one week of the Mundan ceremony. The ceremony highlights several significant rituals deeply interwoven into the age old Kharia customs and traditions. As per the rituals on the appointed day the adult members of the family excluding the unmarried men and women observe fast. The guests invited for the ceremony in the forenoon usually present the child with rice beer, rice or several other items of food. The Kalo or any senior member who presides over the ceremony sits facing the eastern side and prepares a thread wear comprising of seven strands. He also collects some items such as a copper coin, arwa rice and water in a leaf cup and water in a leaf cup, required for the performance of the ceremony. During the commencement of the ceremony two leaf cups containing arwa rice and a copper coin in one and water in another are placed before the performer.

The Kalo offering worship to the Sun and Moon chants the following mantra:

"O Sun and Moon (witness god) please witness, the name-giving and chhatti ceremony of the son or daughter of such and such person. Please see that the boy/girl does not have to face any misery in his/her life. Select the name of the boy/girl which you like most."

Next, the Kalo taking a one grain of rice named as Sakhi (witness) places it in a leaf cup filled with water in the name of Ponomosor. Taking another rice grain, he puts it in the water in the name of the day on which the baby was born. According to the custom if this grain floats on and meets the Sakhi grain, the name of that day is selected as the name of the baby. However, if the second rice grain sinks another grain is put in the water in the name of deceased ancestors one by one as per the sex of the child until the grain floats and connects with the Sakhi grain. Following the selection of the name of the child the residual rice in the leaf cup are pored in the water of the leaf cup. The thread prepared earlier is laid in turmeric water and tied around the waist of the baby while his feet are cleansed with the residual golang of the leaf cup. Subsequently, Tapan golang is offered to the Sun god and the moon god following which the father of the baby offers Tapan golang in the name of ancestral spirits notifying them about the completion of the Chhatti and Nimi Raina ceremony of the child.

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