Ponnamaravathy is located in Pudukkottai district in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is a town that has now developed into a business city. The town is enclosed by villages like Valayapatty, Sigappatty, Venthanpatty, Nerkuppai, Puthuppatty, Melai Sivapuri, Ulagampatty, Veguppatty and Koppanapatty. All these villages have a Sivan Temple built by the local people mainly Nagarthars.
History of Ponnamaravathy
According to history Ponnamaravathy is named after the King Ponnar and his brother Amarar. They earlier ruled in Ponnamaravathy area. They came here from Sevalur to save the inhabitants of Ponnamaravathy. The town was earlier frequently attacked by robbers who looted and killed the people. Later both the brothers were killed by the British. A statue of Ponnar was erected when he was killed. A temple had been constructed in front of a police station where Amarar was killed. Every year the residents of Ponnamaravathy organise festival in their honour. The celebrations last for one week and begin from first Friday in the month of May.
Presently Ponnamaravathy is a well developed city. Several textile showrooms have been established here such as Poorviga Alangara Maaligai, Aathikalathu Alangara Maligai, Atchaya Pattu Maligai, Sivanthi Silks and others.
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