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Sarangapani, who lived in the 17th century, was a popular composer of Carnatic Music.

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Sarangapani, Indian Music ComposerSarangapani was a renowned and well-known composer of the Carnatic music. He lived during the 17th century in the interior of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh in Karvetinagaram village. He is a well-known composer to create the special type of song sung during a performance of Bharatanatyam known as Padams.

Sarangapani was a popular name in the court of local king Venkata Perumal where he served as the Minister of Education. Sarangapani was well versed and confident about both Sanskrit language and Telugu language and also wrote close to 200 Padams in both languages. He mostly composed his songs in the honour of Lord Krishna and also contains the mudra "Venugopala". Some of his well-known Padams are Mogadochi (Sahana ragam), Pattakura (Anandabhairavi), and Upamugane (Yadukulakambhoji).

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