Principle of Indian Peoples Theatre Association has been laid out in order to make sure the organization works towards reaching out to the people. The points or principles that were laid out
1. (a) The basis of developing IPTA will be on linguistic states, according to their cultural traditions, forms and objective conditions prevailing. Associated shall accept the present existing state boundaries for all practical purposes till the just demands of the people for the creation of linguistic states are met with.
(b) Branches in the disputed areas have to settle their position through mutual discussion among the members concerned, keeping in view the objective of unification and healthy development of their Branches, taking care not to apply it mechanically.
(c) The Squad or Unit among the minority section in a State will function under that particular state branch with a full right and guarantee of its working in its own language and cultural language branch for dramas, etc. through the Centre or direct.
2. All-India Executive:
(a) The functions of the All-India Executive Committee will be:
(i) To co-ordinate different branches
(ii) To exchange discussions, problems, achievements, reports and creative materials
(iii) To organise inter-State exchange of cultural troupes or individual artists
(iv) To initiate movements on all-India or world significant issues arising at different times
(v) To guide on common problems arising out of the movement in different states
(vi) To take the lead in building and developing branches of Indian Peoples Theatre Association where they do not exist or where they are weak with the help of the neighbouring branch
(vii) To keep contact with the progressive cultural movements in the other parts of the world
(viii) To run Unity the official organ and to bring out publications if necessary (mainly history of IPTA)
(ix) To call All-India Executive meetings at least thrice in two years and an All-India Conference once in two years
(x) To place audited All-India accounts at the Conference
(b) The Central Executive will consist of the following office-bearers:
(i) One President, five or less Vice-Presidents, one General Secretary, four Joint Secretaries to function as the All-India Organisers for four zones and one Treasurer. All the above office-bearers to be elected by the delegates present at the Conference. The All-India Executive will further consist of a maximum of two members from each State Branch elected by the delegates from that particular State, present at the Conference.
(ii) The All-India Secretariat consisting of President, Vice-President (if possible), General Secretary, Joint Secretaries and Treasurer should meet twice a year to check up and implement the All-India Executive`s decisions.
(iii) The Office Secretariat, consisting of General Secretary, Office Secretary (elected by the Executive Committee) and all members on the All-India body from the place where the office will be situated should carry forward day-to-day work.
3. Broad tasks and principles for State Branches:
(a) (i) Units are to be built up primarily on the basis of localities urban and rural, drawing members, organizations and affiliating cultural organisations primarily from that particular locality. These local Branches will have within their fold a number of squads either on different art forms or among different sections. The minimum number for the membership of the Squads and minimum number of squads for a Branch in a locality are to be fixed up by the State Branches according to the objective conditions there.
(ii) These primary Units will form higher Branches from City, District, Sub-division up to the State Branch, having the respective committees elected at General Body meetings and Conferences as the case may be to carry forward the principles of the IPTA movement.
(iii) A central troupe on State or even on district plane (if possible) should be formed to expand, popularise and raise the artistic level.
(b) (i) To stress on the federal character of the organization, guaranteeing sufficient rights to the affiliated organization, so that confidence is created in the affiliated bodies.
(ii) Any cultural organization willing to affiliate should do so with the nearest IPTA Branch. But any organization in a State, where no IPTA Branch unit exists should directly affiliate with the all-India body,
(iii) To organize simultaneously joint shows, discussions, etc. with those organizations which are not yet ready to affiliate with IPTA to create a favourable atmosphere dispelling any misunderstanding or distrust in the process. This part of the constitution of the State Branches must be formulated after thorough discussion so that the federal character part of the organization can play its role.
(c) (i) To call Conventions in those areas immediately where a
Central Organisation does not exist, co-ordinating and consolidating the disintegrated groups.
(ii) Before holding the State Conferences, Music conferences, Drama festivals, Dance festivals of cultural organizations and individual artistes (IPTA and others) from rural and urban areas must be held in every State under the initiative of IPTA. These festivals must reflect the classical, modern and folk forms.
(iii) To avoid shoddy productions and to stage well-rehearsed and polished productions.
(iv) To revive and revitalize the traditions of the Indian stage, (especially rural) developing those in the modern light.
(d) (i) To conduct classes, training camps, etc. to educate members on IPTA ideology, organization and artistic creation and to develop and encourage healthy and constructive criticism,
(ii) To take the initiative to launch united movements on different demands of the cultural workers,
(iii) To ensure complete democratic functioning in taking day-to-day decisions, in running the committees and in selecting dramas and songs, etc.
(iv) To produce audited accounts by the State Branches annually.