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Papanasa Mudaliar
Papanasa Mudaliyar, lived in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, was a renowned composer.

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Papanasa Mudaliar, Indian Music ComposerPapanasa Mudaliyar was born in the year 1650. He was a renowned composer and lived in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Out of all his compositions mukattai kattiya in Bhairavi ragam and nadamAdittirintha in Kambhoji ragam are famous and popularly known.

The latter composition is an example of the Nindastuti style in musical compositions wherein the superficial meaning of the song seems to ridicule the deity involved. Later Tyagaraja followed this in songs like Adigi sukhamu in Madhyamavathi raga.

Papanasa Mudaliyar died in the year 1725

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