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Paidala Gurumurti Sastri
Paidala Gurumurti Sastri was a Telugu speaking Brahmin and took musical lesson from Venkatasubbayya.

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Paidala Gurumurti Sastri, Indian Music ComposerPaidala Gurumurti Sastri was a renowned composer of Carnatic Music. He lived during the 17th century in the village of Kayatar in Tirunelveli district of in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. His family name was Paidala. He was a Telugu speaking Brahmin. He learnt music from Venkatasubbayya.

Gurumurti Sastri composed many Gitas, or short songs illustrating Janaka (means parent, also known as melakarta) and Janya ragas. He was famous for his technical knowledge of the science of Ragas.

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