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Ratan Singh
Ratan Singh of Bharatpur Maharaja of the princely state of Bharatpur, who ruled over the region from the year 1768 to 1769.

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Ratan Singh of Bharatpur was a ruler or Maharaja of the princely state of Bharatpur, which was established by Maharaja Suraj Mal in the year 1733. Presently, it is located in the Brij region in the state of Rajasthan. The princely state of Bharatpur belonged to the Rajputana Agency. After the death of his brother Maharaja Jawahar Singh, Ratan Singh succeeded him and ascended the throne of the princely state as the Maharaja of Bharatpur. He ruled over the territory from the year 1768 to 1769. As the preceding ruler had no son of his own, therefore, he was succeeded by his brother Ratan Singh of Bharatpur. He belonged to the Sinsiniwar Jat Dynasty.

Ratan Singh was an extravagant and incapable ruler, who was eventually assassinated by a conjurer at Mathura. He was succeeded by Maharaja Kehri Singh, his son, in the year 1769.

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