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Cross - Kickboxing Technique
Cross is a kickboxing technique that has all the necessary ingredients for an attacking shot.

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Cross, Kickboxing TechniqueCross is a technique used in boxing and is called straight. It is power punch just like the hook or the uppercut. It is type of a punch used in boxing and also in kickboxing which is mainly thrown with the leading hand at the very instant when an opponent leads with his leading hand. Since the blow mainly crosses over the leading hand, so it has been named in that fashion.

Technique of Cross
The back hand is thrown from the chin, from the guard position, crossing the body and actually travelling in a straight line towards the target. The back shoulder is pushed forward and stops after just touching the outside of the chin. Apropos, the main hands are taken back and, in order protect the inner part of the chin, slipped against the face. For extra power, the hips and torso, for right-handers, are rotated anti clockwise as the cross is thrown.

The weight is transformed from back foot to the leading foot, resulting in the rear heel turning outwards since it acts as a hinge for the transfer of weight. The rotation of body and sudden transfer of weight is what provides the cross its power. Just like the jab, a half step forward can also be added. The hand is retracted rapidly after the cross is thrown and the guard position is resumed. This can be used as a counterpunch in a jab, aimed towards the head of the opponent or to set up a hook. The cross can also follow a jab, creating the classic "one-two combo." The cross is also called a "straight" or "right."

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