Dakoo Paan Singh was popular character in Indian comics magazine Madhu Muskan. The character is inspired from the famous western comic book character of Popeye. The well known character was created by Murli Sundram who was an author, cartoonist, sculptor and artist. Dakoo Paan Singh is a cheerful and fun filled person who always chews Paan or Betel leaves, which gives him incredible and unimaginable strength. Paan Singh was always helped by Supari Lal, his trustworthy side kick who always accompanied him in all his adventures and exploits. Supari Lal could make a Paan at lightning speed for Dakoo Paan Singh.
Dakoo Paan Singh was a bald headed man with a little hair on top and a big moustache rounded off at the ends. He usually helped others in need and fought with many anti-social elements. He had many enemies that he had fought with during the course of the series. Some of the popular rivals of Paan Singh are mentioned below-
* Serpa Soongh was a snake man who controlled and used snakes as weapons;
* Madam Motallo was an overweight lady who could transform her physical being into a bouncing ball and flatten and crushed anything she bounced upon;
* Jadugar Jhundu was an evil and dastardly Magician who used magical powers for his personal gains; and
* Cheenku who could sneeze with huge force by using pepper in his nose and destroy almost everything with his sneeze.
Dakoo Paan Singh was featured regularly on Madhu Muskan magazine, but due to growing popularity, it was later published as a stand alone series by the publishing house under Madhu Muskan comics.
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