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Chandi Temple
Chandi Temple located in Nirmand Himachal Pradesh is the only Vallabhi temple in the state. The temple is intricately decorated.

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Chandi Temple, Himachal PradeshThe Chandi Temple is located at Nirmand in Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh. Built on a simple Jagati-Pitha, Chandi Temple has been grouped under Shikhara Shrines. The measurements of this temple have not been mentioned but it appears roughly to be over 3m in height. On stylistic considerations this temple may be dated to circa 8th century A.D.

Architecture of Chandi Temple
Talacchanda yojana of Chandi Temple comprises a rectangular garbhagriha and a mukha mandapa in front of the garbagriha. The urdhavacchanda yojna i.e. elevation is composed of a simple vedibandha, plain jangha and trilaliya i.e. three-tiered Shikhara. The Karna stambhas i.e. corner pillars are decorated. Shikhara comprises of Skandhavedi, surmounted by a Vallabhi and a plain keel. The keels composed of two plain stone slabs. Two amalasarakas are placed on the top of the keel in the middle. The visible left side of the Vallabhi and the Shandhavedi show a chandrasala and a surasenaka respectively placed on them. The upper portion of the pillars of the mukha mandapa is decorated with kirttimukha, ardha padma and ghata pallava motifs. The shaft of the pillars is astakoniya i.e. eight sided. The sukanasa based on the flat roof of mukha mandapa is elevated by an ardha-vallabhi placed over a plain skandha. The beautifully carved deep gadha decorated with a string of one bead (ekavali) on its outer periphery comprises a bhadra-mukha. However, instead of gajakrantasimha, a seated human figure with folded hands, probably Garuda is placed on top of the sukanasa.

Visiting Information to Chandi Temple
Nirmand is 50 km from Shimla. One can reach the town by road from Rampur Bhushahr.

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