Ucchaishravas according to Hindu mythology is one of the best horses. It is considered as the king of horses. Uchchaihshravas is generally described as a vehicle of Lord Indra. However it is also considered as the horse of Bali. The horse is snow white in colour.
According to Mahabharata Uchchaihshravas rose from the Samudra manthan and Lord Indra seized it and made it his medium. This legend has also been mentioned in Vishnu Purana, Ramayana, Matsya Purana, Vayu Purana. Uchchaihshravas has also deserved a mention in the Bhagavad Gita. As Krishna declares to the source of the universe, Uchchaihshravas is declared among the flying horse that is born from the nectar of immortality.
According to Vishnu Purana Prithu was the first king on earth. There were others who were given such great responsibilities. Then Uchchaihshravas was made the king of horses. In Mahabharata a bet regarding the colour of Uchchaihshravas`s tail took place between sisters and wives of Kashyapa - Vinata and Kadru. Uchchaihshravas is considered as the best of horses and symbolises the glory of Indra.
In Devi Bhagavata Purana it is mentiuoned that Revanta, Surya`s son went to Vishnu`s dwelling riding Uchchaihshravas. Seeing Uchchaihshravas, Goddess Lakshmi was mesmerized and ignored a question that was asked by Lord Vishnu. Vishnu suspected that Lakshmi lusted for Uchchaihshravas and cursed her to be born as a mare in her next birth.
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