The Maukhari Dynasty, also known as the Megar Dynasty, was a royal Indian dynasty that first held the region of western Uttar Pradesh around Kannauj. Gradually they overthrew the Magadhan Guptas from their kingdom. The Maukharis reigned over vast areas of Northern India for over six generations. They earlier served as vassals of the Guptas andalso to Harshavardhana. Later in the sixth century they established their own empire in Kannauj. The Guptas later moved to Malwa. Maukhari are gotra of Jats in India. It is during the rule of the Maukharis in the 6th century that the popular game of chess then called Chaturanga, meaning `army` originated.
Maukari Rulers
The Maukharis came to power in the 6th century A.D. Yagna Varman was the founder of the dynasty and was later succeeded by Sardula Varman. Ananta Varaman was the next successor. The Maukari ruler rose to power under the rule of Isana Varman and under his rule the dynasty ceased to be vassals.
Isana Varman had defeated the Andhras and even subjugated the power of the Gaudas. He had also issued coins imitating the Toramana, the Huna chief. Kumargupta of the later Guptas had defeated Isana Varman. Later Varman was succeeded by his son Sarva Varman. Both Saarva Varman and his successor son Avanti Varman were styled as Maharajadhirajas. Vardhana of Kannauj had given his daughter Rajyasri in marriage to the son of Avanti Varman, Grahavarman. He was however later killed by a ruler of Malwa, Devgupta, and had imprisoned Rajyasri.
Another powerful dynasty, the Pushya-Bhutis ruled in Thanesar, north of Delhi. They had made a marriage alliance with the Maukharis, and, on the death of the last Maukhari king, the Maukhari nobles requested Harsha, the reigning Pushyabhuti king, to unite his kingdom with the Maukhari kingdom and rule from Kannauj. Around 606 A.D. large areas of their empire were recaptured by the Later Guptas.
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