Advaya Tarakopanisad considers Brahman as its goal. The Brahman illustrates the basics of Raja-yoga. Advaya Taraka Upanishad is a division of Yajur veda. It explains the Yoga meditation vividly. According to Advaya Tarak Upanishad`s principles, Brahma`s knowledge can be attained through proper conduct. This Upanishad elaborates about Rajyoga, Tarakyoga, Mudra and Falshruti. It also talks about several Adimani demonstrations, Adimandal, Suryamandal, Sudha Chandramandal and Brahmatejomandal.
Advaya Tara Yoga
Taraka Yoga is a yoga that is based on the phenomena of light. A person can discover the different mysteries of life. It also explains the different styles and postures of Yoga thereby helping the person to discover the depths of life.
The positive energies that are released from Kundalini Shakti pass through Sushumna and several other Chakras so that a person can get closer to God. Kundalini Shakti also helps a person to feel closer to God thereby attaining immense knowledge.
Advaya Tara Yoga Pose
Shambhavi Mudra`s place is between the throat and the forehead. This is a secret Mudra in which the person doing it should sit still and concentrate. He should then close his eyes partially as some people do when they sleep.
The person should then concentrate in the middle of his eyebrows and meditate while thinking about God. Taraka is of two types: the first half Taraka and the second half which is the non-minded.
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