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Works of Sukumar Ray
Works of Sukumar Ray have been hugely appreciated and adored by literary lovers from Bangladesh and West Bengal. He was the main proponent of the non-sense genre in Bengali literature, and created fiction filled with pun, humour and satire.

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Works of Sukumar RaySukumar Ray was the son of popular children short story writer, Upendrakishore Ray Chowdhury, and a proud father of the renowned filmmaker Satyajit Ray. He also convened and presided over the famous "Monday Club", which was actually a gathering of Bengali intelligentsia during those times, to express their cheeky opinions about the society in general.

Sukumar Ray was a master story teller, humorous poet and a playwright. He was the pioneering force behind literary non sense, and was often referred to as Lewis Carroll of India. His collection of works ranges from poem to novels, to short stories. Works of Sukumar Ray is still as popular, even after his 90th death anniversary. And some of his celebrated literary pieces include "Aboltabol", "Gibberish", "Pagla Dashu", "Kahi Kahi", "Heshoram Hushiyarer Diary", "Jhalapala O Onanyo Natok", "Lakkhaner Shoktishel", "Chalachittachanchari", "Bohurupee" and "Shabdakalpadrum". These are all considered as masterpieces of "non sense" genre, identical in stature, if not more, to Alice in Wonderland.

Works of Sukumar Ray are looked upon as enormous treasures of Bengali literary world. Even after 90 years of his death, he remains equally popular among the children and adults alike, both in Bangladesh and West Bengal. All his works are popular and well read by book loving people.

Amongst the works of Sukumar Ray, the first and the most prominent name that comes to the mind is of course Abol Tabol. This is the collection of literary non-sense, packed with rhymes and poems composed by the master poet, Sukumar Ray. This collection was first published in the year 1923. The entire Abol Tabol consists of seven unnamed and forty three named rhymes, all in the genre of non-sense verse. With the publishing of Abol Tabol, the Bengali readers were exposed to a new version of literature, with complete different taste and feel, which was both engaging and interesting. This volume includes the best of Sukumar Ray`s world, where all the poetries are filled with fun, humour and satire.Works of Sukumar Ray

Apart from Abol Tabol, Ray brilliance is also evident in his creation of the magnificent character of Pagla Dashu. This character is popular among the Bengali people. Pagla Dashu is a school boy well known for his crazy deeds filled with eccentricities, and inexplicable acts, which carry comedic and subtle satire. The character of Pagla Dashu was created mainly keeping in mind the taste and preference of children. It is creative and funny and very popular among school going kids. Adults also enjoy reading the peculiarity of Pagla Dashu and feel happy while doing so. Over the years, the character of Pagla Dashu has become an admired character in Bengali Literature, just like many of his other works in the non-sense genre.

HaJaBaRaLa is a novelette by Sukumur Ray and also belong to the non-sense fiction genre, like most of Ray`s fiction. The plot of this novel has a close resemblance with Alice In wonderland, but then, the characteristics are common to all non-sense fictions. The story begins with a boy, who suddenly wakes up from sleep only to realize that his handkerchief, which he had kept beside his pillow before going to sleep, has turned into a cat. And then the entire drama unfolds as the boy starts his conversation with the cat. Several characters, which include birds and animals, burst in the scene, all too randomly, and create an utter chaos. Then finally wakes up from this odd dream only to find a cat, which does not talk.

The works of Sukumar Ray are an all time classic. And the deep inner thoughts hidden in each verse makes it even more interesting. It is like old wine, aging has only made it better.

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