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Vajroli Mudra
Vajroli Mudra influences the nadis strongly. This is one of the important Yogic Kriyas in Hatha Yoga.

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Vajroli MudraVajroli mudra is a type of yoga exercise practiced for various health benefits. Vajra means thunderbolt in Sanskrit. This mudra is known to stimulate the genitals with prana activated blood. Vajroli mudra influences the nadis that supply the sex organs with spiritual energy. It is also practiced by many people who want to get rid of sexual problems and troubles in the urinary system. It is considered that even if one lives a wayward life but performs Vajroli, deserves success.

Steps of Vajroli Mudra
This mudra is easy to perform but it requires immense practice to master this art. One will really have to work hard to get full success in this Kriya. Following are the steps to perform Vajroli Mudra:

•The practitioner should focus his attention on the sphincter muscles involved, near the pubic bone at the base of the lingam.
•Then he should inhale through the nose as he pulls energy up the spine. Hold the breath at the Third Eye (Ajna Chakra). Pull up the sexual organs by contracting the muscle he would use to stop the flow of urine and the lower abdomen muscles.
•He should continue to hold the breath as he relaxes and contract ten times.
•On the tenth relaxation, exhale through the nose and experience sexual energy rising from the sex centre to the brain (or whatever body part needs energy).
•The practitioner can make these muscles even stronger by adding more weight. Place a washcloth over the penis and lift that. Then make it a wet washcloth, which is heavier.
•One can perform Vajroli mudra minimum 10 to 15 rounds.

Benefits of Vajroli Mudra

•It helps to deal with premature ejaculation.
•Advanced practice helps one to control the ejaculation of semen and even ability to pull back the ejaculated semen.
•It cures diseases of the urinary system like infections and enlargement of the prostrate gland.
•Calms and increases concentration once the sexual distractions are calmed down.
•Mastery of this exercise allows one to experience longer and more intense orgasm.
•Helps in spiritual progress and chakras are activated.
•Regular practice ensures activation of chakras and great self control.

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