Jatyavrata Trisanku was the king of the Solar Dynasty who was initially known as Satyavrata. He was crowned by his father Tryaruna who later went into religious retreat. Although being a descendant of a pious and religious father he had committed showed three great sins for which he was called Trisanku (i.e. a king of three great sins). His three sins were, stealing somebody else`s wife; slaughter a milch cow and consuming its beef. People belonging to different classes became disgusted at this behaviour and shunned him. On being dethroned, he departed from his capital and went to the forest to live there. Meanwhile a terrible famine caused by a long drought broke out. During that disaster, Trisanku saved the starving sage Vishwamitra and his family by fetching them his hunted meat. Vishwamitra pleased with his service pardoned the young king of his faults. Trisanku agreed to rectify his faults and to make amendments for his sins he took up a great sacrifice. As the other priests declined to arrive Trisanku requested Vishwamitra to preside over the sacrifice. As Vishwamitra began the sacrifice opposition from the other priests obstructed the ritual. No rishi, Brahmans, or friends approached for the sacrifice as they all regarded Trisanku as a chandala (hunter). Sage Vishwamitra agitated by the opposition, exercised his powers and knowledge on them. Thus the rishis and other Brahmans had to accept the king`s gift. Finally the sacrifice was accomplished successfully. The king`s wife Satyaratha later bore him a son who later became the renowned King Harischandra.
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