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Eagle Falls
Eagle falls in Meghalaya is close by known as Urkaliar or the falls into which Ka Liar slipped. It is nestled in outskirts of the city in the forested region.

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Eagle Falls, MeghalayaEagle falls is one of the major tourist attractions in Shillong. The fall is close by known as Urkaliar or the falls into which Ka Liar slipped. It is nestled in the outskirts of city in the forested region. The waterfall is enveloped by beautiful hills. The view of Eagle falls is a treat to the eyes. The surrounding area of the waterfalls is a paradise for the trekkers and hikers. Eagle falls is ideal for those who are looking for serenity and tranquillity.

Location of Eagle Falls
It is situated in Shillong in the Meghalaya state of India. It is basically located in the Shillong Cantonment. It is approximately six kms from the city. The fall is exactly located about a mile away from the Polo Ground.

Beauty of Eagle Falls
The Eagle Falls can be considered as the widest waterfalls in Shillong. It grows wide near the pinnacle and crashes into a massive pool which is created by its never ending splash on the rocks that lie below. It is spread in such a way that it looks like an eagle with wings spread out. The falls cut through rocky terrains and meanders amidst the green forests of Meghalaya.

During the monsoons, the volume of water of the fall increases and produces venturing sounds. As far as Meghalaya tourism is concerned, it is a very popular site.

Connectivity of Eagle Falls
Shillong does not have any railway station. So, the travellers have to avail the nearest station which is situated at Guwahati. The railway station is located at a distance of 75 kms from Shillong.

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