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Ustad Nasiruddin Khan Dagar
Ustad Nasiruddin Khan Dagar was one of the greatest Dhrupad Singers coming from a family of well known and accomplished singers. He was the son of the renowned musician Ustad Alabande Khan and the grandson of Mohammadjan Khan.

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Ustad Nasiruddin Khan Dagar, Dhrupad SingerUstad Nasiruddin Khan Dagar was a well known Dhrupad singer hailing from an illustrious family of musicians. He was the son of the renowned musician Ustad Alabande Khan and the grandson of Mohammadjan Khan. Nasiruddin Khan was born in the last decade of the 19th century. He grew up in the family atmosphere which was charged with music. He learnt music from his father Alabande Khan and his uncle Zakiruddin Khan both of whom used to sing together. In keeping with the tradition of the family Nasiruddin Khan also took to the singing of the Dhrupad style. In his earlier years Nasiruddin Khan used to play the second fiddle whenever his father and uncle gave their performances. Later he went on to become an accomplished musician in his own right but unfortunately his early death put an end to a most promising career.

Nasiruddin inspired and taught music to his younger brother Rahimuddin Khan and later also to his four sons: Moinuddin Khan, Aminuddin Khan, Zahiruddin Khan and Faiyasuddin Khan, all of whom went on to become famous Dhrupad musicians. Of his four sons the two elder ones i.e. the late Moinuddin and Aminuddin often sang together and as such were popularly known as Dagar-Brothers. Similarly his two younger sons Zahiruddin Khan and Faiyasuddin Khan sing together and are popularly known as the Younger Dagar-Brothers.

Nasiruddin Khan was the chief court musician in Darbar of Indore. His genius lay in the traditional Alaap of Dhrupad at which he was superb.

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