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National Institute of Urban Affairs
National Institute of Urban Affairs is responsible for reasearching, training and making policy prescriptions for better local governance, development and management. It looks to improving the living conditions and quality of life of urban residents.

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National Institute of Urban Affairs, Union Government Autonomous BodiesNational Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) is a premier institute for research, training and information dissemination in urban development and management. Established in 1976, as an autonomous body under the Societies Registration Act, the Institute enjoys the support and commitment of the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, State Governments in India, urban and regional development authorities and other agencies concerned with urban issues. The Institute`s policies and directions are determined by the Governing Council.

The major functions of the Society as laid down by the Institute`s Memorandum of Association are as follows-

* To act as an autonomous, scientific and research organisation to undertake, promote and coordinate studies on urbanisation;

* To act as a centre for advanced study of urban problems and to provide and promote the necessary training and research facilities;

* To evaluate the social, administrative, financial and other aspects of the implementation of urban development plans and programmes;

* To mobilise available expertise in the field of urban affairs and to offer and co-ordinate technical and consultancy services;

* To constitute or cause to be constituted or give affiliation to regional, state or local centres to promote the purpose of the institute;

* To organise and sponsor training courses, workshops and seminars in various fields;

* To act as a clearing house of information, and to operate a documentation centre and disseminate information on urban affairs; and

* To undertake and facilitate publication and distribution of books, research papers, monographs, a journal and other communication material pertaining to urban affairs.

* The core activities of the Institute are carried out by an experienced and multidisciplinary team of urban planners, economists, geographers, statisticians, sociologists, systems analysts and management experts. Specialised staff equipped with the latest computer hardware and advanced software packages provide the necessary support services to the Institute`s research, training, publication and other activities.

Administration of NIUA
The National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) is managed by a Governing Council that is represented by senior officials from the Government of India, eminent urban leaders, experts and corporate heads. The Council consists of a President, who is appointed by the Government of India, two Vice-Presidents, three members of the Government of India in their ex-officio capacity, twelve other members, and the Director, the Chief Executive of the Institute, as the member-secretary.

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