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Karuna Rasa in Natyashastra
Karuna Rasa is a very essential part of the Natyashastra. The dominant emotion or the Sthayi Bhava in Karuna Rasa is soka or sorrow.

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Karuna Rasa in NatyashastraKaruna rasa is a very essential part of the Natyashastra. The dominant emotion or the Sthayi Bhava in Karuna rasa is soka or sorrow. The Vibhavas or determinants of Karuna rasa are curse, distress, down fall, calamity, and separation from the near and dear ones, loss of wealth, murder, imprisonment, flight, dangerous accidents and misfortunes. Its presentation in the stage is through the following Anubhavas, viz. discharge of tears, lamentation, parched throat and mouth, pallor of the face, drooping of the limbs, gasping for breath, loss of memory and other similar things.

The Vyabhicari Bhavas of Karuna rasa are dejectedness, in difference, languor, anxiety, yearning excited state, illusion, loss of sense, sadness, ailments, lethargy, sluggishness, epileptic loss of memory, fear, death, paralysis, tremor, pallor in the face, shedding of tears, loss of speech and the kindred feelings. The Natyashastra states that the Karuna Rasa takes its origin through different Bhavas either at the sight of the death (or murder) of the dear one or when unpleasant words have an adverse impact. It is to be presented in the stage through sighs, lamentations, loss of sense, weeping bitterly and other similar gestures.

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