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Bibhatsa Rasa in Natyashastra
Bibhatsa Rasa in Natyashastra deals with the odious sentiment and the Sthayi bhava of Bibhatsa Rasa is juguptsa or disgust.

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Bibhatsa Rasa in NatyashastraBibhatsa Rasa in Natyashastra deals with the odious sentiment and the Sthayi bhava of Bibhatsa Rasa is juguptsa or disgust. The outcome of Bibhatsa Rasa is from the Vibhavas or determinants such as Ahrdya- apriya- aveksa (seeing what is unwholesome or displeasing), Anisfa- Sravana- Darsana- Parikirtana (hearing, seeing and discussing what is undesirable) and such similar things. Its representation on the stage is through the anubhavas such as Sarvangahara (Squeezing up all the limbs), Mukhanetraghur-nana (moving the face to and fro, rolling the eyes), Hrllekha (heartache, grief anxiety), Nisthivana (spiting), Udvejana (expressing disgust) and the likes.

The Vyabhicari Bhavas are Apasmara (loss of memory), Vega, (Agitation), Moha (delusion or loss of sense), Vyadhi (illness), and Marana (death) etc. the Natyashastra states that the Bibhatsa Rasa arises through many things causing antipathy such as seeing what is not desirable, defects and abnormality in tests, smells touch and sound. Its presentation on the stage should be perfectly earned out by means of shaking the head, soiling the eyes, closing the eyes, covering the nose, lending down the head and walking imperceptibly.

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