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Santula is an Oriya dish that is considered useful for patients.

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Santula, Oriya RecipeSantula is a vegetable-based nutritious dish mostly popular in Odhisa state of India. There are two types of Santula - Pani Santula and Bhaja Santula.

Ingredients of Santula

•1 Brinjal
•1 Potato
•1/2 Raw papaya
•1/4 Pumpkin
•1 Small onion chopped
•1 tsp turmeric powder
•7-8 Garlic flakes chopped
•2-teaspoon crushed or grated ginger
•1 Small tomato chopped
•Half tsp mustard
•1 tsp cumin
•2 Red chillies
•Mustard oil
Salt to taste
Coriander leaves chopped

Method of Preparing Pani Santula

•Cut the vegetables into small sizes.
•Boil the vegetables by adding salt and turmeric powder to it.
•Heat oil in a frying pan.
•Add mustard and cumin when the oil is hot.
•After the cumin and mustards start cracking add red chillies and fry it a little.
•Add chopped onions, chopped tomato, grated ginger and chopped garlic.
•Fry till it all becomes golden brown.
•Then add boiled vegetables and stir properly.
•Put the flame in simmer level and cook for about 2-3 minutes.
•Serve hot with the garnishing of chopped coriander leaves.

Method of Preparing Bhaja Santula

•Cut the vegetables into small sizes.
•Heat oil in a frying pan.
•Add mustard and cumin when the oil is hot.
•After the cumin and mustards start cracking add red chillies and fry it a little.
•Add chopped onions, chopped tomato, grated ginger and chopped garlic.
•Fry till it all becomes golden brown.
•Then add all the vegetables, salt and stir properly.
•Put the flame in medium heat and cook till done by stirring when needed.
•Serve hot with the garnishing of chopped coriander leaves.

It can also be prepared in another way with minor difference in the ingredients:

Ingredients of Santula

•50gm brinjal
•50gm potato
•50gm ridge-gourd
•50gm papaya
•1 Onion
•7-8 chopped garlic cloves
•2 teaspoon crushed or grated ginger
•1/2 teaspoon mustard
•3-4 green chillies
•2 Teaspoon refined oil
•1 Cup boiled milk
•Salt to taste

Method of Preparing Santula

•Cut the vegetables into medium sizes.
•Boil the vegetables in a cooking pot by adding salt to it
•Heat oil in a frying pan
•Add mustard when the oil is hot.
•Add chopped onions, grated ginger and chopped garlic cloves after the mustards start cracking.
•Fry till golden brown.
•Add green chillies and fry.
•Add boiled vegetables and stir.
•Then add the oiled milk.

Santula can easily be prepared at home. This dish is considered to be useful for patients since it requires less oil and spices. Santula can be consumed by teaming up with rice or roti.

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