Treatment of fissure and fistula mainly comprise of medicinal process like Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, and Yogic Asanas. The two common anorectic health disorders- fissure and fistula; occur due to many reasons and can be identified through various symptoms. There are different alternative medicinal therapies available for treatment of fissure and fistula. The medicines like Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, Yogic Asanas, etc. are used frequently for treatment of fissure and fistula. Various home remedies, different kinds of water treatments and Magnetic therapy are also applied for treating fissure and fistula.
Ayurvedic Treatment of Fissure and Fistula
Ayurveda is effective for curing fissure and fistula. In Ayurveda, anal fistula is recognized as Bhagander. Ayurvedic medicine describes fistula as an opening between two organs of the body. Among different Ayurvedic therapies, the Kshar-sutra therapy is used most frequently for treating fistula. The Kshar-sutra heals the anal fistula from inside without any pain and other complications. The enema therapy is also sometimes advised. Apart from these, hot bath of the back and lower portion or the fomentation of pretentious area and taking smooth laxatives, analgesics, oral medicines, etc. are also suggested in Ayurvedic treatment of fistulas.
Homoeopathic Treatment of Fissure and Fistula
Homoeopathy provides an effective treatment for anal fissure and fistula. It is found that most cases of fissure can be cured through homoeopathy. These medicines help to reduce habitual tendency of constipation and also help prevent recurrence of the condition, in the long run. The homoeopathic medicines facilitate healing of the fissure, improve blood circulation to the affected parts, relieve the anal spasm, alleviate pain, prevent infection, relieve constipation and treat all the symptoms as well. The medicines like Graphites, Nitric Acidum, Ratanhia, Condurango, Paeonia, Silicea, etc. are used frequently in treatment of anal fissure. In case of treating fistula, the homoeopathic medicines first try to control the infection in the area and then prevent further attacks of abscess formation. The medicines also try to start new tissue development for closing down the tract. Once the process is complete, the opening closes down and the fistula gets cured permanently. The most commonly used Homoeopathic remedies for treating fistula include Hepar sulphuricum, Silicea, Bacillinum, Tuberculinum Koch, Berberis vulgaris, Calc phos, Graphites, etc.
Naturopathic Treatment of Fissure and Fistula
Naturopathy is often used for the treatment of fissure and fistula. The naturopathic treatment of anal fissure aims to keep the stool soft and avoid constipation. Diet plays a major part in Naturopathic treatment. Patients are advised to take juices of orange, musambi, pineapple and carrot after mixing with equal amount of water. Regular application of a warm-water enema helps in cleansing the bowels. After taking the juices for a few days, a patient is advised to begin a well-balanced diet that should consist of unrefined foods like whole grain cereals, honey, molasses and lentils, green leafy vegetables, especially spinach, trench beans, tomatoes, lettuce, onion, cabbage, turnip, pumpkin, beets and carrot, etc. The diet should also comprise the fresh fruits like pears, grapes, figs, papaya, mangoes, grapefruit, gooseberries, guava and oranges; the dry fruits like figs, raisins, apricots, dates and the milk products in the form of butter, ghee and cream.
In naturopathic treatment of fissure and fistula, consumption of certain food items is strictly restricted. These items include the sugar and sugary foods made of white flour, rice, cakes, pastries, biscuits, cheese, fleshy foods and white sugar. The patients are suggested to drink adequate quantities of water, as it is beneficial not only for constipation but also for cleansing the system, diluting the blood and washing out poisons. For treatment of fistula through Naturopathy the patients are suggested to switch to a diet that is predominantly vegetarian, low on salt and spices, high in fiber, salads and fruit. Apart from these, there are also a few home remedies that help in treating fissure effectively. Sometimes, gentle instillation of a little olive oil into the rectum can be beneficial in the treatment of anal fissure. This helps in softening the hardened stool and is required to be repeated daily as needed.
Magnetic therapy is another effective way used regularly in the treatment of fissure and fistula. Advantages of magnetic therapy offer several treatments to patients where he sits down on the two magnets kept side by side. Sometimes, cotton pads are used over the magnets, if the patient feels pain sitting on the hard magnets. In case of the patient is unable to sit over the magnets, general application of the magnets to the soles of the feet is resorted regularly. Regular intake of mixed magnetized water helps in hastening the healing process.
Yogic Treatment of Fissure and Fistula
Yoga therapy offers another effective way for treatment of fissure and fistula. Different Yoga Asanas have proved effective for curing pain and other problems resulting from fissure. The Yoga Asanas like Uttana Padasana, Pavana muktasana, Vajrasana, Yoga Mudra, Bhujangasana, Salabhasana and Shavasana, etc. are most commonly advised. For treating fistulas, the Yogic treatment lays more emphasis on relaxation and advise the patients to follow various Yoga Asanas, Pranayama or breathing exercises, Kriyas or cleansing techniques, Sattvic and simple Yoga diet. The Yogic Asanas like inverted postures, prone postures and breathing exercises like Mild KapalaBhati and Anuloma-Viloma are used commonly for treatment of fistula.
The above mentioned alternative medicinal methods are used quite frequently for the treatment of fissure and fistula, along with the conventional surgical treatments. They are used mostly to avoid complications caused by surgical treatments and also to get cured in a much easier and less painful manner.