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Panchwidh Chikitsha
Panchwidh Chikitsha is the type of Ayurveda treatment, where five ways of treatment are applied to the patient.

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Panchwidh ChikitshaPanchwidh Chikitsha in Ayurveda suggests five types of treatment in Ayurvedic medicine. In this category of Ayurvedic diagnosis, there are five types of treatment very commonly known as panchakarma. The methods of treatment include, Vaman, Virechan, Nasya, Niruh Vasti and Anuvasan vasti.

Basically all these methods of Panchwidh Chikitsha are included in sanshodanam as these are the measures by which doshas are is purged out through body. Vaman means abolition of aggravated doshas through mouth by use of emetics. Virechan is the abolition of doshas through anal region by use of purgative. Nasya is eradication of mucous from respiratory tracts and sinuses. Anuvasan vasti and niruh vasti are basically helpful in intensifying intestines and eradicating the doshas from the intestines respectively. Some times another method is also included in it that is known as Raktmokshan chikitsa. Raktmokshana is a procedure in which there is letting of contaminated blood from the body. The Panchwidh Chikitsha is widely used in the medicine of Ayurveda.

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